这星期过得很充实、忙碌。 一来忙着新家的装潢, 二来忙着参与圣诞聚会, 都没时间祝贺大家圣诞快乐了, 在此献上这份迟来的祝福。。。请笑纳。 im too busy this week, busy for my new house renovation, for my X'mas gathering... until forgot to giving my greeting to all of you!
为表诚意,得细心打扮一下才行! Well, i must dressing up.....
献上这首“小星星”,愿大家的*心愿*都能实现。 and present this song to all of you, *may all your dream came true!*
今天心情特好, 选了件 漂亮的 白色裙子, 还配上顶 白色帽子 和红色鞋子, 漂漂亮亮的 出门去咯。。。 Today i'm in a high spirit to dressing up for a outing...
再次来到 VivoCity 这回没玩水, 去品尝食阁的美食 还到户外走走。 VivoCity again, but this time no more water playing.
在食阁享用“包青天”的包点,味道不错。 Emmm... this "Bao" is soooo... yummy....
户外有一棵五颜六色漂亮的大花树。 the beautiful Flower tree place at outdoor.
好喜欢这水池,我不厌其烦的绕了好几圈都不想走。 i walk round by round at this fountain and doesn't to leave...
还有宠物店内的这只小狗, 我们已经成为朋友了。 可惜妈咪不让我带它回家 :( 不然我也和表姨、表哥一样是个“擁狗”之人了。 Just a very short while i'm making friend with this dog. I'm not as lucky as my cousin... mmy not allow me to bring her home:(
Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake Baker's man Bake me a cake As fast as you can Pat it and prick it And mark it with B And put it in the oven For baby and me
Twinkle, twinkle little star How i wonder what you are Up above the world so high Like a diomond in the sky Twinkle, twinkle little star How i wonder what you are
那天为了和Barney合照而买的新玩意。 我人生的第一个黏土~Play-Doh。 一买回来,我衣服还没换, 就急不可待的马上拿来玩, 对它的色彩缤纷、可撮、可揉好奇不已, 玩得开心极了!最后我完成了我的第一份作品。。。 Last weekend mmy bought for me my 1st Play-Doh, It's so much fun to create several of things, this is my very 1st master piece, Guess what is ths?
周末夜, 我追“星”去了! 真棒 有机会“亲近” 我的偶像 ~Barney! 为了要和偶像合照, 我特意花了三十多元购物, 还要Kakak为了我 从五点多排队到七点拿号码 (只限首三十名), 多亏了kakak 我才能如愿以偿呢! Last weekend, we went to see Barney Show. I spent $30 in the shopping for photo taken. Special Thanks to my Kakak to queue up to almost 2hrs to be the 1st 30 customer.
Barney、babyBop、BJ带来的圣诞歌曲。 A X'mas song brought to you by Barney, Babybop & BJ
这首歌引起全场小孩的大合唱! This song is a favourite song by evey Children!
表演结束了。。。我还依依不舍。 Show is over... feel regret at parting...
好不容易总算能和Barney合照, 而且只能拍一张,非常难得! 有没注意到我紧紧的靠着Barney? 拍完照我还死赖着不肯离开。。。 被强迫着与Barney分开, 我伤心得嚎淘大哭。。。 后来妈咪告诉我, Barney表演完很累了要回家睡觉了, 我才无奈的收拾心情的回家去了。 Only pic that i'm taken with Barney, That is why i don't want to let go... i'm cry for stay together with Barney... Untill mmy tell me that Barney is tired after the show, then i'm willing to wave good-bye to Barney!
But, After this incident no more Barney Show for me, saying mmy :(
这是我常来的游乐场。。。 不过这回我有新玩法。。。 my new method of playing at the same place...
哎呀!上得去,下不来了!“妈咪,救命呀!”。 Alamak! Can't get myself down!
原来骑木马,也能变成翘翘板哩! This is the way i ride my horse, ride my horse...ride my horse...
走入游乐场的隧道时,我会说“inside tunnel”。 当驾车来到汽车隧道时,我也说“inside tunnel”。 Whenever i walk through the playgound tunnel i'll say "inside tunnel", When the car came into the tunnel i'll also saying "inside tunnel".
一步出游乐场的隧道,我则说“no more tunnel”, 汽车一驶出隧道,我也说“no more tunnel”。 I'll say "no more tunnel" whenever i step out from the playground tunnel. I'll saying "no more tunnel" too, when the car drive away from the tunnel.
接下来就是漱口。 刚开始我都把水喝下肚子(幸好妈咪给我用的是煮沸了的开水)! 后来终于学会了不过却漱到全身濕透了:( Second i start to learn how to gargle... But end up i drink up whole cup of water(boiled water)! Finally i manage to gargle... but with whole body WET!!!
It reminded mmy her childhood at her hometown~ Kota Tinggi. Since she is yong she experienced a few time of flood... Lucky mmy's house is located at higher part escape from the catastrophe, She will sneak away to the town centre which is lower in the town, so that she can enjoy to play the water like what im doing now....
Last must clarify that this is NOT a flood! This is another water playing at VivoCity a new shopping Mall open on 7Oct.
Today teacher telling mmy she's so impress by my talent of singing! i can sing varity of song and even changing some word to convert to a new song! She suggest that must putting more effort to grow up my ability... Another$ $ $ issue (sigh!)
I have been having a skin allergy after take flu or cough medicine few month ago, so mmy bring me to KKH again for detail check up, to check whether i got food allergy or not. The nurse tested more then 10 foods on my back, eventhough i feel very uncomfortable, but i just sit still and waiting for the examination finish. The result is i got NO allergy from any food, medicine and dust.
I experience my 1st movie "flushed away" yesterday night. At 1st half and hour i'm very concentrated to the movie, as i was attracted by the BIG screen and the suround sound system. But i getting impatient after that... Mmy carry me and told me the story... Finally i manage to finish the whole show!
妈咪!我总算没让你丢脸噢!下回能不能带我去看这两部电影? this two show is my next target! Haha...
在刁曼岛我们遇到一群“找吃”的猴子, 这群猴子的出现,引起我们一阵搔动! 尤其是当姨仗拿面包来“诱食”时。。。 猴子都“冲”着他来! 大人开始呐喊、尖叫! 小孩则好奇的想来个近距离接触! 混乱的场面夹着紧张、刺激的气氛! Little monkeys finding food.... This is what we saw when holiday in Pulau Tioman.
也许是这画面已深印在我脑海。。。。 Maybe the action of the monkeys left deep impression to me....
回来后,开始效仿猴子爬高、爬低。。。。 Oh no.... When i came back... I behave like those MONKEYs too : (
I'm so happy today.... Hi...hi... got new clothes AGAIN! Thanks to you MMY muakkk.... One red T-shirt, One mini-skirt, One long pant. Oh...! Ilike this pant Sooo... much! Must wear on to show out immediately...
在刁曼岛渡过了愉快、难忘的天伦之乐。 直到今天我还念念不忘, 不断提起海边、沙滩、外公、外婆、柠柠、坐船。。。 唯一让我们感到害怕的,就是那“包吃”的膳食! 第一天的午餐,我们体会到。。。海边餐馆的盐“很便宜”! 晚餐却领教到,当地厨师的“建忘”!忘了放盐?食物淡到无味 最可怕的是第二天,一连三餐同一个炒饭!!! 幸好外婆很“kiasu”的带了,自己烘的蛋糕救了我们。 所谓早起的鸟儿有虫吃,我照旧把同房的爹地、妈咪、外公、外婆叫醒, 我们决定不吃“包”的早餐,到别处找吃去。。。 Everything in Tioman is a wonderful memory for me... except the food provided in the package. 1st day we experience the more salty food! maybe the salt here is FREE! Most terrible is we eat the SAME fryrice on BF,lunch and dinner!!? Finally on last day morning we decided go to look for other res.
妈咪叫了roti satin、爹地和外公的是roti telor、外婆叫roti kosong, 外公一向不欣赏马来人泡的咖啡,不过却意外的对这咖啡赞不绝口! 不负众望,虐待了肚子几天,终于满足的品尝了一餐! 饱足一餐后,外公还调皮的做鬼脸呢! Mmy order roti satin, Grandpa & ddy order roti telor, Grandma order roti kosong. Em... yummmy... Look at Grandpa face you will know that how satisfy he is!
晨运回来后,用过早餐。天不做美下起毛毛雨,我们照旧乘小船出海去!妈咪太“怕死”(kiashi)给我吃了晕船药,也许药物敏感,我身体有点痒,也就不怎么提得起劲来。(有爹地照顾我)倒是妈咪玩得最起劲了,还不断怂恿不会游泳的阿姨,一块浮潜观赏美丽的海底世界和珊湖。后来停留在一个白沙滩上,我开始恢复意识,忘我的独乐乐,在船上喂鱼,看鱼群一涌而上让我很雀跃,当我玩得兴起时却要回航了 :( After breakfirst, when we set off to go to snorkeling it start raining! After taken seasick medician i feel a bit irritation all over my body... so i no mood to enjoy the fun! only when we stopped at a While sand beach, im recover and having fun to feed the fish but its time to go back already :(
出海回来,妈咪以为我一定捆了,硬逼我睡午觉,结果她睡着了,我却还精神奕奕。爹地陪我在屋前的草地上玩球,我们追逐、嬉戏消磨了愉快的午后。你真不得不佩服我惊人的体力,柠表姐出海一回来就睡了,傍晚时分表姐还未睡醒,我还跟着大伙到岛的四周走走、看看。 After the trip i still full of energy... mmy already Zzzzz! i playing ball, chasing each other with my ddy at the "Padang".
一面散步、一面“教”阿姨三字经,我实在是被五音不全的阿姨给弄得哭笑不得! I'm teaching my "funny" Aunt recite "SanZiJing".
虽然是来度假,我还是没让妈咪睡个好觉,一大清早就把妈咪、外公、外婆吵醒(只有爹地功力深厚吵不醒),哈!奸计得逞骗到外公带我到海边散步。第一次到那么“乡村”的地方,以为到哪都以汽车带步,当妈咪问我去哪里时,我竟答说去“carpark”!?真是城市佬下乡! I wake up at 6am, can't wait to go to the beach again! This is 1st time i came to the Kampung, i though we have to driving when go out! so when mmy asking wher we going to now? i say "carpark"!?
两老一少沙滩漫步的情景是不是很温馨?妈咪说她最喜欢这影片了。 Mmy say she like this videoclip... both her parents & me strolling in the beach... its really beautiful!
难得我那么乖,一早起床陪他散步,外公的兴致特别高昂,还说要征服“石头山”呢!我只好舍命陪君子咯!在外公细心的扶持下,我们终于成功的征服了“石头山”!从这望向大海,景色真迷人! With grandpa HELP, i manage to climbing up to this "Rock mountain"!
来到沙滩又怎能不玩沙呢?没带铲子只好用我的五爪山咯。。。外公见状赶紧为我找来了个石子,铲呀铲的竟被我铲出了一只螃蟹!我不晓得它钳子的厉害,一点也不害怕,还追着想抓它。。。倒是外公怕我被弄伤,赶紧把它抓起来,外公抓螃蟹有一招哦!看螃蟹一动也不动了。 Drag..drag... i'm having fun to drag the sand, suddenly came out a crab... im so excited wanted to catch it, but Grandpa caught it before i did, he didn't want this crab to hurt me.
我和外公踩着愉快的步伐,要把螃蟹带回去给正在熟睡中的柠表姐。 有没有发现我换了件“泰山装”?这又使我那满脑子怪思想的妈咪的杰作!因为我玩得满身汗,妈咪唯有将我的长袖衣改装成了这副模样。 New outfit? no... its mmmy new design, she turn my long sleeve to this, becouse i feel hot after climb up to themountain!
清晨6点钟出发,先到妈咪的故乡哥打丁宜接外公、外婆,再赶到码头与柠表姐一家集合,总算赶上了10点半的船。由于太迟上船“霸”不到有冷气的座位,我们到顶楼的座位,以为吹海风会很舒服,怎料到加了布蓬阻挡了风,很闷热。(可从slide的前两张照看得出,我们有多痛苦啊!) 中午1点多抵达刁曼岛北部的Salang码头。哇!清澈碧绿的海水,可清楚看到鱼呢!我们住的度假屋Salang Pusaka Resort,富有浓浓的马来甘榜风味,面向着大片山林,被对着大海的高脚屋度假村,屋前还有一大片青草地,环境优美。 6am Depart to Kota Tinggi to pick Grandpa & Grandma, meet up cousin Ning's family at Mersing port. We take about 3hrs ferry to Salang (North of Tioman Island), stay in Salang Pusaka Resort, Which is Malay Kampung style chalet, surronding by rain forest, full of natural beauty!
搞到两点多才吃午餐!我被餐厅内的贝壳所吸引。。。 2pm we settle our lunch at the only restorant, i was attracted by their beautiful sea shell.
一心想到海边去,我连午觉都不睡了。。。 I skip my afternoon nap... can't wait to go to the Beach already...
外公以为,退潮后留下的一滩水就能满足我。。。 Having fun in the beach...
结果。。。才玩了会儿,我就被漂亮的大海吸引了。。。 追逐海浪太刺激、好玩了!我还想更近一步与大海亲近。。。 but most attracted me is to challenge the WAVE!
Will getting away to enjoy my holiday with my grandpa, grandma, aunty's family. i'm looking orward to this holiday, able to meet my beloved Ning cousin, but... unfortunely i'm starded flu and cough cause by the HAZE! this make mmy worry about me..... anyway we still carry on to our plan... Hopefully i can enjoy my trip.... will update to you went i back.
昨天是妈咪的生日, 原本以为爹地会为妈咪庆祝。。。 谁知临时代替朋友的班, 得工作到半夜(爹地off day) 说好了会买个蛋糕一起为妈咪庆生日, 结果。。。 妈咪为此闷闷不了,为了逗妈咪开心, 我唱首生日歌献给妈咪。 yesterday is mmy's BD & ddy off day, we support to celebrated together, but... ddy last minute got to work... mmy feel disappointed! "mmy let me sing you a song to cheer you up!"
没有家人为妈咪庆祝, 幸好妈咪的好姐妹(中学同学) 弥补了这缺撼。。。。
妈咪和这两为知己好友, 其中一位还特地从新山赶来呢! 约定好每年都会在彼此生日时聚一聚。 mmy's 2 good friends came from JB to celebrate with her, Every year they will gather again in each other's BD. They having a great moment each time.
这是满满阿姨的两个活宝, 妈咪嫌我麻烦没带我去:( 错过了会面的机会。 this is auntie Maan's girl & boy.
这是送的寿星雪糕, 被剪得超短的蜡烛很搞笑。 可怜妈咪今年的生日没有生日蛋糕, 只好将就点用这个代替咯! No BD cake this year, replace with this swensen sundae also not bad too!
这个周末还是一样的雾锁狮城! 已经两个星期窝在家了,连游乐场也没得去! 听说妈咪今天会带我去一位叔叔的新家!? 我即期待又兴奋,连午觉都不睡了! Already two week no out door activity, all becouse of the HAZE! I skip my afternoon nap, in order to go with mmy to attend her friend house warming.
来到叔叔家,我毫不客气的“游览”了一遍后, 发现餐桌上的饮料、面包、蛋糕。。。 我二话不说,就爬上了椅子, 一会儿面包、一会儿蛋糕的,快乐的品尝起来。 一时性起,也顾不得大人在那高谈阔论,高歌了起来。 Even this my 1st time there, i walk through every corner.... eating, playing, singing, crawl up and down.
有没有发现叔叔家的电话拨键特大?很有趣喔! 这就是害臊小帅哥的庐山真面目。 我好几次主动搭訕,他都害羞得躲起来:( Did you notice the button of the phone? Ha... so cute hor, very BIG! This Handsome Gogo very shy, each time i want to shake hand with him, he will hide to her mmy :(
画画我就最差了 :( 严格说来我还不会画画, 只会画线条和圆形, 最厉害就是胡乱的涂鸦, 还左、右手精通呢! 4th~ drawing is my lower part, i can only draw line & circle, but can use both left & right hand!
为了补抓那快要遗失的佳节气氛, 我提着灯笼和妈咪到楼下游乐场。。。 我对提灯笼没兴趣,丢下灯笼投入游乐场怀抱! 陆陆续续有不少家庭带了孩子、女佣来, 有的带了旧式灯笼、蜡烛、烟花、有的准备了月饼,游乐场顿时热闹起来! 约有十多个家庭,各自将蜡烛点在地上,烛光遍布各个角落, 一群小孩在游乐场追逐、玩乐,勾画出一副温馨的画面。 This Lantern Festival only mmy & me, two of us to celebrate.... mmy feel so lonely wanted to get some "festival MOOD" from her family, she giving a call to Grandma, whose living together with Jiujiu at Kajang. Very BIG different compare here, all my auntie(mmy's sisters)family gather at Jiujiu house, bustling with noise and excitement over there! how i wish i be there too...
We must do something to light up our day too! i bring my lantern follow mmy go to the playgroud downstair. Even im alone but i really enjoy here. Slowly more and more family bring their child to gather here. Yeah..yeah i got my company already! Some of them bring the traditional lantern to decorate, some bring the mooncake. They made the playground full of "festival MOOD" lei!
这位姐姐真好!很大方的和我分享她的蜡烛。 This Jiejie very kind, she share her candle with me.
上星期开始我就很喜欢用口水吹泡泡, 弄得老师和爸、妈联合起来,要我改了这恶行。 Recently i got a bad habit, i like to blow bubble.... My teacher, ddy & mmy gang up wanted to kick away my bad habit.
现在我最常讲的话就是“不要”! 不要回家、不要下来。。不要。。不要。。 你问我什么都只是“不要。。不要。。” 明明是要的,却不愿服从,偏偏喜欢作对! The word l like to say now is "BuYao"(NO)! No matter what you say, my answer will be "NO"! Eventhough that is what i want i also say "NO"! Maybe is becouse of "Terrible Two"?
Have to cancel my trp to Children Day festivity becouse im Diarrhoea this mornig,Mmy bring me to clinic, i meet a little girl whose love to follow what i did, i purposely came down from my seat, she also came down from her seat as i expect, i took this apportunity to take over her seat, but stoped by mmy! She remind me that im elder have to give precedence to meimei. i listen to mmy and let meimei sit on her seat.
After snap mmy take me to playground. Some elder brother and sister chasing there. Suddenly a fat brother running very fast and hit me accidently, mmy have been fighten by this she scream and run to me, check that did i got any hurt, i comfort her by saying "BuYaoJing" (mean nevermind, im fine). I continue playing and i wave good bye to them.
Mmy feel pround for what im behave today, she also hope that this will last long....
由于工作性质的关系, 只能利用晚上时间写部落格, 刚开始都保持在每天一帖, 慢慢的。。。隔天一帖, 现在变成一星期一或两帖。 不时太忙、没空, 而是每一次坐在电脑前, 荦怡就会来把我拉走, 吵着要我陪她玩。 现在为何能写这帖子呢? 多亏了老公牺牲睡眠陪她(做晚班)。 I can only write my blog at night after work. Starting i write at everyday, then alternate day and then twice a week or maybe once a week. Its not becouse of busy, no time to write, But becouse of Joelle. She will came to "distrub" me, seek for my company. I manage to write this blog now, is becouse of Hubby sacrifice his sleeping time (he work night shift today) to play with her. Thank You DADDY! ~~ message from mommy
Last weekend my 1st visit to Science Centre. I'm not interesting with it, only the water world i perfer! This is a good place for Big brother & sister, which can increase their knowledge. *A bit waste, a lot enquitment is too old and can not function, maybe this is the reason why the admSSion is CHEAP!
最近几天都是下雨天, 原定于今天去参观农场, 可惜今天一早天黑黑,只好被迫取消计划, 爹地为了不让我太失望,我们到东海岸骑脚车。 天虽黑但一直没下雨, 可是倒霉的是我们刚租了脚车,最下起毛毛雨来了, 我没带雨衣、帽子,刚病好淋到雨可不好呀! 妈咪灵机一动想到了好法子,用长袖衣当帽子!? Rainy day this few day, It's cloudy today, got to cancel the trip to farm! Daddy decided to bring me to East Coast Park for cycling, Just after we pay (bicycle rent) then drizzle! I didn't bring my rain coat or hat... My clever mmy use my long sleeve shirt as a cap! How creative she is!!