接下来就是漱口。 刚开始我都把水喝下肚子(幸好妈咪给我用的是煮沸了的开水)! 后来终于学会了不过却漱到全身濕透了:( Second i start to learn how to gargle... But end up i drink up whole cup of water(boiled water)! Finally i manage to gargle... but with whole body WET!!!
It reminded mmy her childhood at her hometown~ Kota Tinggi. Since she is yong she experienced a few time of flood... Lucky mmy's house is located at higher part escape from the catastrophe, She will sneak away to the town centre which is lower in the town, so that she can enjoy to play the water like what im doing now....
Last must clarify that this is NOT a flood! This is another water playing at VivoCity a new shopping Mall open on 7Oct.
Today teacher telling mmy she's so impress by my talent of singing! i can sing varity of song and even changing some word to convert to a new song! She suggest that must putting more effort to grow up my ability... Another$ $ $ issue (sigh!)
I have been having a skin allergy after take flu or cough medicine few month ago, so mmy bring me to KKH again for detail check up, to check whether i got food allergy or not. The nurse tested more then 10 foods on my back, eventhough i feel very uncomfortable, but i just sit still and waiting for the examination finish. The result is i got NO allergy from any food, medicine and dust.
I experience my 1st movie "flushed away" yesterday night. At 1st half and hour i'm very concentrated to the movie, as i was attracted by the BIG screen and the suround sound system. But i getting impatient after that... Mmy carry me and told me the story... Finally i manage to finish the whole show!
妈咪!我总算没让你丢脸噢!下回能不能带我去看这两部电影? this two show is my next target! Haha...
在刁曼岛我们遇到一群“找吃”的猴子, 这群猴子的出现,引起我们一阵搔动! 尤其是当姨仗拿面包来“诱食”时。。。 猴子都“冲”着他来! 大人开始呐喊、尖叫! 小孩则好奇的想来个近距离接触! 混乱的场面夹着紧张、刺激的气氛! Little monkeys finding food.... This is what we saw when holiday in Pulau Tioman.
也许是这画面已深印在我脑海。。。。 Maybe the action of the monkeys left deep impression to me....
回来后,开始效仿猴子爬高、爬低。。。。 Oh no.... When i came back... I behave like those MONKEYs too : (
I'm so happy today.... Hi...hi... got new clothes AGAIN! Thanks to you MMY muakkk.... One red T-shirt, One mini-skirt, One long pant. Oh...! Ilike this pant Sooo... much! Must wear on to show out immediately...