这星期过得很充实、忙碌。 一来忙着新家的装潢, 二来忙着参与圣诞聚会, 都没时间祝贺大家圣诞快乐了, 在此献上这份迟来的祝福。。。请笑纳。 im too busy this week, busy for my new house renovation, for my X'mas gathering... until forgot to giving my greeting to all of you!
为表诚意,得细心打扮一下才行! Well, i must dressing up.....
献上这首“小星星”,愿大家的*心愿*都能实现。 and present this song to all of you, *may all your dream came true!*
今天心情特好, 选了件 漂亮的 白色裙子, 还配上顶 白色帽子 和红色鞋子, 漂漂亮亮的 出门去咯。。。 Today i'm in a high spirit to dressing up for a outing...
再次来到 VivoCity 这回没玩水, 去品尝食阁的美食 还到户外走走。 VivoCity again, but this time no more water playing.
在食阁享用“包青天”的包点,味道不错。 Emmm... this "Bao" is soooo... yummy....
户外有一棵五颜六色漂亮的大花树。 the beautiful Flower tree place at outdoor.
好喜欢这水池,我不厌其烦的绕了好几圈都不想走。 i walk round by round at this fountain and doesn't to leave...
还有宠物店内的这只小狗, 我们已经成为朋友了。 可惜妈咪不让我带它回家 :( 不然我也和表姨、表哥一样是个“擁狗”之人了。 Just a very short while i'm making friend with this dog. I'm not as lucky as my cousin... mmy not allow me to bring her home:(
Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake Baker's man Bake me a cake As fast as you can Pat it and prick it And mark it with B And put it in the oven For baby and me
Twinkle, twinkle little star How i wonder what you are Up above the world so high Like a diomond in the sky Twinkle, twinkle little star How i wonder what you are
那天为了和Barney合照而买的新玩意。 我人生的第一个黏土~Play-Doh。 一买回来,我衣服还没换, 就急不可待的马上拿来玩, 对它的色彩缤纷、可撮、可揉好奇不已, 玩得开心极了!最后我完成了我的第一份作品。。。 Last weekend mmy bought for me my 1st Play-Doh, It's so much fun to create several of things, this is my very 1st master piece, Guess what is ths?
周末夜, 我追“星”去了! 真棒 有机会“亲近” 我的偶像 ~Barney! 为了要和偶像合照, 我特意花了三十多元购物, 还要Kakak为了我 从五点多排队到七点拿号码 (只限首三十名), 多亏了kakak 我才能如愿以偿呢! Last weekend, we went to see Barney Show. I spent $30 in the shopping for photo taken. Special Thanks to my Kakak to queue up to almost 2hrs to be the 1st 30 customer.
Barney、babyBop、BJ带来的圣诞歌曲。 A X'mas song brought to you by Barney, Babybop & BJ
这首歌引起全场小孩的大合唱! This song is a favourite song by evey Children!
表演结束了。。。我还依依不舍。 Show is over... feel regret at parting...
好不容易总算能和Barney合照, 而且只能拍一张,非常难得! 有没注意到我紧紧的靠着Barney? 拍完照我还死赖着不肯离开。。。 被强迫着与Barney分开, 我伤心得嚎淘大哭。。。 后来妈咪告诉我, Barney表演完很累了要回家睡觉了, 我才无奈的收拾心情的回家去了。 Only pic that i'm taken with Barney, That is why i don't want to let go... i'm cry for stay together with Barney... Untill mmy tell me that Barney is tired after the show, then i'm willing to wave good-bye to Barney!
But, After this incident no more Barney Show for me, saying mmy :(